Wednesday, February 20, 2008

My Buddies

Everyone keep their fingers crossed...I want it to snow tomorrow so my mommy can stay home with me on Friday!

I had a great day today! My Great Aunt Ruthie, GG, and Grandma all took care of me today, and we had a blast! GG and Ruthie couldn't believe how big I've gotten. I was happy all day, and I talked up a storm and smiled and played all day. I can't believe how many people love me!

Oh, by the way, the little animals I am with in the picture, those are at Aunt Tiffany's house. I can't remember what they were called, but I sure did have fun with them!

1 comment:

Aunt Janet said...

What a handsome little fellow nestled among the animals. Your hair looks like it's turning red. I've go to get a "Sam Fix" soon!