We also got Sam a Bumbo this past weekend. The Bumbo helps Sam sit up on his own without having to be held. We bought the tray as well so Sam can play with his toys while sitting in his Bumbo. For those of you that watch the news, don't worry, the Bumbo is completely safe when you don't put it up on the countertop or kitchen table; Sam only gets in his Bumbo when it is safely sitting on the floor. Since Sam is such a big boy, he loves sitting in his Bumbo and having a good time playing with his toys.
Your Bumbo looks so cool and fun. I can't wait to see you in it tomorrow when I come to be with you for the day. That is, if we don't get so much snow that Mom gets to stay home. You look like such a big boy in the Bumbo.
You are so adorable playing in your Bumbo. Remember yesterday when you were picking up your passy and trying to put it in your mouth? You are so smart! Love you Sambo.
papaLooks like Sam is ready to take his Bumbo on the road. Next time he goes out to eat it will be perfect for him to sit on the table and enjoy the festivities. Now if you would just put a slot for him to keep the remote it would be perfect
Love, Papa Pat
Hi Sam! My name is Kimmie and I am your second cousin! I live in Sarasota, Florida with my 3 kids (your 3rd cousins) Jace, Alexia, and Zach. I just wanted to tell you what a handsome man I think you are and I hope to get to meet you in person one day soon! Take good care of your Mommy and Daddy, your Grandma and Granddad and that rotten(just kidding!) Uncle JP! I love them all very much and that means I love you too! I hope you are having a happy, healthy day! I look forward to seeing more news and photos about you! Love and kisses, Kimmie
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