Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Take Cover!!!!

I hope everyone is taking care of themselves during this severe weather! Mommy and daddy and me are all in the basement watching Kevin Harned on Channel 3. I'm taking cover in my swing (really I'm taking a nap in my swing). I know that mommy and daddy will take good care of me. I hope everyone is safe and sound!


Grandma said...

Hi do Little Sam!! Can I borrow your head piece when I go out in the rain? You might send this picture to the Pampers Co. They not only cover the bottoms but also the tops!! I love you so much precious little boy. I am so anxious to see you. Grandma

Aunt Janet said...

You may have just started a new fashion, Sam. The diaper is quite becoming to you, but then anything would be. We had really bad wind here last night too, but we did escape any real damage...just a power line to the house is drooping. Mommy and daddy will always see that you are taken good care of. Thank goodness for your nice basement.