Saturday, July 26, 2008

Where's the Beef?

OK, I'm a growing boy, and when I get hungry I want food right NOW! Don't pull my chain...just feed me! I was hungry tonight so daddy fed me two bottles of food, 4 yogurt melts, 5 puffs and 6 oz of formula...that hit the spot! I was happy as a clown after I ate all of this for my I said, I am a growing boy!!


Aunt Janet said...

Sounds like you have quite an appetite Sam. I've been accused of being "surly" when I get hungry. I'm definitely not a happy camper when I'm hungry. It must be a genetic thing. However, you are a growing boy.

Anonymous said...

You made your grandma's birthday yesterday. She placed your picture right next to her side of the bed and this morning she played the "Sunshine" song as soon as her feet touched the floor. What a great day to start each day - seeing your great picture and hearing the music.

I don't like to be hungry either and lately I have had a big appetite. It is good to try to eat the good foods and take your time so you are really healthy as you continue to grow. I look forward to being with you again on Tuesday. Yaaayyyyyyyyyyy!