Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Knocked Out with Uncle JP

Uncle JP put me to sleep on the night of my baptism, and then he fell asleep, too! I think we were both worn out that night...it was a long, fun day for both of us!

Last night I went to bed at 6:30 P.M. and I didn't wake up until 7:00 this morning!! Can you believe that?!? I slept for more than 12 hours...I've never done that before in my life! I tell you what, I was completely worn out...I didn't take a nap all day, I wasn't feeling well because I have teeth coming in, and I was having such a good time playing in my house that I just didn't go to sleep at all! When daddy got home, mommy asked if he could try to get me to sleep, so we got on the couch, just like Uncle JP and I in this picture. It took a while (I was fighting sleep like I always do!) but daddy finally worked his magic and got me to close my eyes! After that, I was out like a light!! I felt so much better today...yes!!

1 comment:

Aunt Janet said...

You seem to be sleeping better since you've been so active. This picture is a keeper. Your Uncle JP looks so much like his dad and his Pappaw Bryan. You two were sure zonked out on the couch. What a growing little boy. You're so very handsome. What a little angel!!