Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Seems Like Yesterday

Aunt Janet sent mommy and daddy a cd of pictures from when I was 3 days old...3 DAYS OLD!! Can you believe that I was this little...holy cow! My pants almost come up to my chest in this picture...mommy and daddy said I was born a big boy, but I sure don't look big in this picture! I think I kind of look like a cute little baby bird being held by a mommy bird!

Anyway, thanks Aunt Janet for sending the pictures...I really like them! Also, thanks for the tomatoes from this weekend, and for walking with us back into the woods...I had a blast!! Mommy has been grubbing on the 'maters...she really likes them, but daddy hates them! Hope to see you soon! I love you!

1 comment:

Aunt Janet said...

It seems so long since I've responded to your blog being that I was getting packed for Canada and after getting here I couldn't obtain access because the phone was out until this Tuesday (Aug 11th). Anyway, I'm glad you like the pictures. I can't believe how small you look in the pictures either. You sure had those bright eyes though. You're a real dandy!! Love you little guy!