Monday, August 25, 2008

Brady's Baptism

OK, so Brady and I look a little miserable in this picture, but we were still having a good time, I promise! I think we were a little miserable because it was so close outside that night...daddy was sweating almost all night!

I know that Brady had fun because he got to ride around in my car! He had both of his hands on the steering wheel and was smiling real big smiles! I know he was really liking the motion and the sound...I bet he'll get one of those cars like mine sometime real soon!

I've got to tell everyone that I'm just about walking...I can push around my fire engine while I walk behind it...I've stood up on my two feet all by myself, and I've taken a few creaky steps by myself, so it won't be long! I'm a fast learner, and I'm strong!

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