Thursday, June 5, 2008

Take Me Out to the Ballgame

Here is a picture of a bunch of us at the Louisville Bats game several weeks ago. It is hard to believe that it was kind of chilly in this picture, because right now it is miserable outside! I was just excited to hang out with Great Aunt Janet and Uncle JP at the game...we had a great time! I wanted JP to go grab the homerun ball that landed in front of us on the lawn, but he didn't want to get up, and neither did daddy...I guess that was best, because some other old dude got in trouble for running over a little kid to get the homerun ball...daddy can just go buy me a ball and that will be fine with me!!

I hope we go back to the ballpark this summer...I really like baseball, and I like seeing Great Aunt Janet!

1 comment:

Aunt Janet said...

What a motley crew! I just loved being with you at the baseball game. I should have taken Granddad's baseball glove and tried to catch the homerun. I still have his glove from when I played softball. Right now I'm enjoying playing with you and Grandma and Granddad's.